Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I just don't get it...so I'll just share it

Below is a picture and post from the lucky Lucy foundation. I don't know what to say because I cannot fathom, cannot grasp what would cause human beings to behave so barbarically:

Memorial Wall
For at least more than 5 days mounting to 2 weeks, whoever you
are, you left this loyal, unknowing companion in hell aka Aandskof,
a place unchanged because perhaps the devil himself is there,
visible in the alcohol, drugs and gangsterism in the children who
find torturing and maiming animals as their means of
entertainment. Hadyn, burnt in a konka by a 3 year old, came from
here! And this 6 month old puppy, whom I named Mable was found
stuffed in by the braai side, lying in the dirty wet sand, suffering in
agony from horrendous injuries inflicted as a result of these
children pulling her teeth causing her gums to be ripped from the
bone and rotting away. You didn’t once think to pick up a phone /
walk to a welfare clinic / find a lift to a welfare to seek help if you
could no longer keep her. For all these days you left her in the
freezing rain and the howling wind– without any recognition for her
innocent loyalty. For the day you chose to do this you didn’t care
that she would go without water, food and love. For all those days
your “friends” who let you just dump her like that saying “they will
take her” walked past her, day-in-and-day out with a second
thought. She became, i guess, “a part of the scenery”. No one
blocked their ears to her cries of pain and you and your “friends”
didn’t even close your eyes to her immense suffering that lay
ahead. It was by chance that we found her. We have since got the
message out that what those children did and what you did, in no
uncertain terms, was a criminal offence and that we would be back
to take the matter further. Whoever you are just know that when I
picked her up with tenderness, she yelped in utter pain, her eyes
sunken so deep from lack of food or water or care, that they
couldn’t be seen even when lifting her eye lids. I believe she
couldn’t believe what she was feeling. The immediate surrender of
calmness when in my arms was if to say: “thank you for finding
me.” She seemed to have multiple fractures of the mouth and the
few wounds that I could see were probably wasting away as the
grains of sand blew into them and she couldn’t move or hide away.
Her mouth was so badly infected, it smelt like death. And you did
NOTHING but turn your back.
We will fight to the bitter end, as Mable tried doing for her life. We
were too late to save her, although we had hope, but when the
obvious signs we couldn’t see was only proven with a positive on a
Distemper test and there was nothing more we could do as she
slowly knew we tried but she can’t fight this, I had to bring a
prompt end to her pain with kind words and a gentle touch. But in
her name, will continue to wage this war against overpopulation,
cruelty and neglect. Against the lack of backbone, education,
empathy and compassion. Please don’t let Mable have died in
vain. Please, please, please help us carry on. Monday we are
commencing with our sterilizations and we need your help to do it,
the funds already raised for Mable will settle her vet bill, a total of
R4330 was raised and with the left over donations, we can do a
sterilization which costs R250 an animal so if you feel that Mable
serves a purpose and inspiration and the need to continue saving
more through Mass Sterilization and Education please consider still
donating in her name. Lastly, to all those in Aandskof, you can
run… but you cannot hide.
Banking details:
Lucky Lucy Foundation Nedbank
Account number 1020 247 967
Universal Branch Code 198765
Reference MABLE/your namre
*please remember to send proof of payment and your contact
details to hr@luckylucy.org
Thank You
To read more about DISTEMPER, please go to https://