Sunday, December 8, 2013

This little light of mine... I'm gonna let it shine...

The December 8th entry in my little 'Moments with God' book, takes from Psalm 27vs1:
The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear? The lord is the strong hold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?

The author then goes further to touch on the battle of dark and light. Reminding us that the Pharisees believed that when there is a battle between dark and light, that dark would win. Also adding that there are churches who discourage involvement with sinners and who stay in their religious shelters and complain about the increasing evils of the world. Indeed as Jesus was not afraid of being around those who were 'unclean' we should also not be afraid. Jesus had no fear of sinners but with his overwhelming faith would and could heal them and help them in the name of is and our holy father.

Often in a society strewn with unjusts, we as overworked people avoid situations of controversy and and prefer to turn a blind eye. But as children of God we cannot do that, blind eyes and deaf ears are what has allowed our world to become what is. People to lazy to influence other people's thinking through their own behaviour or through the handling of a situation. We would rather avoid the annoyances than try to encourage a open minded, loving, courteous state of mind.

This week South Africa and the world mourns the passing of a great man. Madiba was not afraid to fight for a new world, a mind set, and the 'ideal for which he was prepared to die'. He made a difference perhaps more iconic than is fair to expect from everybody, we all excel in our own way, but he is an example to look toward when deciding small things that make a difference. My analogy? You know how good you feel when a stranger performs a gesture than makes you smile to yourself and think, 'there are still good people in this world'? Be that stranger from time to time. Small acts can change the world because small acts of kindness have a ripple effect.

Treat people well, with respect and confidence so that you may instill in them a standard by which they may not previously have thought hey had in them.

Madiba had lots of great quotes, which I am not going to use now (since its all over TV at the moment). It is Albert Einstein that I wish to quote: