Thursday, June 19, 2014

Corpus Christi

The festival of Corpus Christi,  observed by many nations and also referred to as Corpus Domini,  Celebrates the holy Eucharist and the institution thereof in our church and in our lives.

This festival was only introduced to the Christian church in later years,  after Augustinian nun, St Juliana had a vision about the Eucharist and its reverence.

While the Eucharist and its importance is observed on Maundy Thursday,  in anticipation of Good Friday, St Juliana advocated a sacrament so precious deserved a celebration more fitting,  that the sombre atmosphere of holy week did not sufficiently celebrate the body and the blood and the dynamics around this heavenly sacrifice. To St Juliana, the Eucharist needed to be celebrated with joyful anticipation.

Looking at what this festival reminds us of, there are many, many lessons to be learnt. And as with everything else presented to us from the church,  the bride of Jesus, we may take from it was is suitable to our lives and current situation.

The three important points to take home,  this (and probably every) Corpus Christi :
The challenge of sacrifice
The reward of forgiveness
The joy of new life.

Happy Friday :-)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hello again, World

Sjoe! In at last. Technical difficulties have kept me from here and now I'm stuck with proverbial cobwebs and metaphorical crickets.

I'm saddened really,  I missed Lent this year, and it is always Lent that brings me back here, but after a fair amount of hacking I am back- and in time for a festival no less!

Tomorrow is Corpus Christi, the Western Orthodox Churches celebration of the institution of the Eucharist- tomorrow we celebrate the body which is given for us, and the blood which is shed for us.

I will try and clean out some of these cobwebs and hopefully tomorrow I able to give an article about Corpus Christi,  the reverence it deserves.

Stay safe - may the Good Lord be with you