Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Im back. As usual it is either Christ or death that brings me here. This time it is an impending death. We are all dying,  just some sooner than others.

Zoey became Lintons baby, as a puppy 14 years ago. She entered my life in 2010 and moved in 18 months ago. She is the most adorable everything-eater you have ever seen,  a playful yet protective demeanour,  she would with little doubt, selflessly defend the people she loves.

Last week what was first believed to be a  douse of kennel cough, turned out to be full blown lung cancer, beyond operable, and our gentle giant was left in Gods hands.

Tonight she lays in her bed tired from the now chronic cough,  but saved any pain that cancer may bring. The exhaustion the only enemy of her comfort.

Tonight she lays there as I cry in a way I have cried at no humans deathbed,  let alone grave. There is something spectacular about animals,  about dogs, that makes them divine. Unlike their bipedular counterparts,  they know forgiveness,  dedication,  and unrestricted,  unconditional love. They show this love. They live with this love.

For some reason, with this amazing kind of personalities God gives them to us for the longest shortest time.  Maybe he does this so that the animals who did not find requited love,  only have to live like that for the shortest time. Maybe he does it so that they can teach us the marvel of their love. Long enough to appreciate them and learn from them, but not with too much time, so that the flawed human may outgrow them.

Tonight I will go to sleep, I will sleep from exhaustion of the days work and the nights tears and emotions. Tomorrow morning when we wake up Zoey might be the overgrown puppy she always has been,  or she might be gone. All I hope and pray, is that our merciful father is with her, every step of the way.