Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Cat in the Hat

"Now! Now! Have no fear.
Have no fear!" Said the cat.
"My tricks are not bad,"
Said the Cat in the Hat.

Out of Dr Suess's The Cat in the Hat I find the most unlikely metaphor: The cat always seems to be getting up to no-good but there's always an answer in the end. Everything seems a right mess halfway through and by the end of the story everything is sorted and the antics of that Cat makes sense at last.

Reminds me a bit of life I guess. The unexpected tosses our lives about completely and leave us confused and often devastated. So it may help to know that someone has a plan; and much like after the Cat dropped the cake and the rake and the nine other things that he was carrying on his Hat, it all got cleaned up with his little cleaning-mobile.

God often watches and maybe even helps us mess (if not to enthrall our lives then) to help us clean up and learn all the little lessons we were meant to learn in order to help us grow. As people and as faithful people. Experiences sometimes may tear us apart but they also help us become the people we were meant to be. 

We won't ever know what the future holds and our choices are made in faith: faith that things will happen as they should. But while we pray for guidance, surely He guides us, and eventually we will see things unfold in the best way possible. For now, here's some Dr Seuss wisdom:

A person 's a person, no matter how
small .
-- Dr . Seuss

Be who you are and say what you
feel because those who mind don ' t
matter and those who matter don ' t
mind .
-- Dr . Seuss

I have heard there are troubles of
more than one kind . Some come
from ahead and some come from
behind . But I 've bought a big bat .
I 'm all ready you see . Now my
troubles are going to have troubles
with me!
-- Dr . Seuss

And off course..

Don't cry because it's over. Smile
because it happened .
-- Dr . Seuss

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