Tuesday, April 12, 2011


The smell of chocolate bunnies and hot cross buns are fast approaching as we come to the climax of another Lenten season, I trust Lent 2011 was and is as fulfilling as any other as we remind ourselves not just of the small sacrifices we make this time of the year but of the larger sacrifices once made for us.
Palm Sunday is but a few days away, so are we ready for that wonderful journey we know as Holy Week? The stations of the cross? The re-enactment of the washing of the feet on Maundy Thursday? And the emotions as we recall the crucifixion?
The crucifixion of Christ happened a very long time ago, years which to us are far from relevant, yet all of Jesus' life that we are priveledged to know, we should use to reflect on our own.
Have you seen the images of poverty in Sudan? Kenya? Even South Africa? Do you know that it would take only 2% of the gross domestic profit of the worlds richest 10% to end global poverty.
Can you spare a 2%? As your sacrifice reminiscent of what has been done for you? Imagine what could be achieved if we all contributed a 2% of anything, our GDP, our groceries, our stationary, to a good cause...
Lets pay it forward and start a new spiritual year in the Spirit of giving with the blessings of God..xx

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