Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Was I wrong?

In this weeks readings we prance through John from capter 7 to 11,
John 8:1-11 gives us a nice little reminder to look within ourselves and goes a little deeper than the 'plank-in-your-own-eye' theory. In this story the teachers of the law and the pharisees want Jesus to talk himself into a corner and brings before him an adulteress, the crime for which Moses taught was punishable by death through stoning. Jesus, in his manner of despondance when being tested, then tells them "Whichever one of you has committed no sin may throw the first stone at her", naturally the crowd dispersed quietly- with nobody left to condemn her, Jesus does not either, and dismisses her with fair warning to discontinue her ways.
The lesson to be learnt may be an old one, but is undoubtedly invaluable in the relations between ourselves and the people around us, and sometimes we need a little reminder. We often find ourselves condemning the acts and behaviour of others, but lets learn to look not only within them, their circumstances, their situations and upbringing, lets look inside ourselves, what would we have done? Do we know the whole story? And when we are actively involved do we step back and be the bigger person, assess our role, and ask ourselves: "was I wrong?"...Just a thought*

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