Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ash Wednesday

Another Lenten season earmarks the beginning of the third year of this virtual space. Today I join you as we embark on another spiritual journey of repentance, sacrifice and faith as we are reminded of Jesus' journey with his cross- a journey that would end in death and be ressurected to life.

I was not drawn here because it is the eve of Ash Wednesday, I was drawn here because of emotional turmoil. Bursts of emotion is usually what drives us to the Lord is it not? Be it great joy or sorrow we as humans are generally, and unfortunately, steered to God by desperation rather than selflessness. It was then that I realised that it was in fact the seasonal anniversary of this blog. This left me with the realisation that for some reason, come this time of the year I am in an emotional state which leaves me needing to come back here for comfort.

This leaves me with 2 hypothesis:
1. God prepares us for this solemn time by hooking our crosses over our shoulders and saying 'walk' or
2. It takes us about a year to become heavy laden by our spiritual waste so that a new Lenten season is ready to receive us and give us that chance (again) that Chist paid so heavy a price for.

For now my theory is the former. As I find myself at emotional crossroads it is the divine presence that I miss. The presence that could be felt while singing praises at one of St Faiths praise and worship sessions. The wholesome feeling that overwhelmed you me. And then life got in the way.

We strive day by day to live a certain way that makes us happy, and in so doing are robbing ourselves of the things we forget are so important. Spiritual welfare aside, we fail to properly care forband maintain the relations in our lives all while battling with our own innate desire for self-discovery.

What I find most interesting is that the crosses we bear are usually our own doing or at least a cognitive reaction based on the action (or lack thereof) of others or ourselves. Constantly, the negative things we feel we have to deal with in our lives, were caused by our own action or inaction at some point in our lives. Therefore in carrying our crosses surely we should recognize that we should take some responsibility for it. Christ has already done what needed to be done. Whatever is left is our own doing.

Today is Ash Wednesday and today we look back at the year gone by, we count our blessing and cut our losses. Let's reflect on what was learnt and cast our burdens onto the Lord.

Happy Lent. May this time be blessed.

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