Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Create in me a clean heart, O God...

Reitterated Fthr Moodley last night at the Ash Wednesday service at the Church of the Transfiguration in Bellville. Touching on my previous post, he mentioned that 'Lent' comes from an old English word meaning 'Spring', thus indicating a time to 'Spring-clean' our souls (Thank you uncle Colin for confirming my theory:)).

'A time to refresh our spirit' was the message to be taken from the sermon and no beating around the bush was to be had. 'Give up sinning for Lent' was what Fthr Moodeley suggested.

Additionally, Theo Hendricks, the new Rector at Transfig had preceded himself with a theme for this lent: "A Journey of Faith" is what this 40 days would be.

Combining the two we find a delicate mix but a challenge worth accepting nonetheless. The things that constitute sin in a Christians life often holds meaning and sentiment, or else living without sin would surely be easier than it is. But if we put our faith in a God that delivers us from evil surely we will find a path away from the sin that makes our souls dreary.

The Lenten season is about three things:
Praying &
The giving of Alms.

Let's experience our fast differently this year by giving up sin (at least as far as possible). Take this opportunity to get rid of bad habits that hurt other people, such as smoking.

Pray. And do it earnestly. Find a space where you can pray and give yourself the opportunity to feel Gods presence and know that he is listening. Have faith in his Love and have faith in his plans. He has plans to prosper you remember? Sometimes we go into things blindly but just as his were the footprints in the sand, so will he be the light unto your path when you need it.

Give from deep inside. Give in a way that is mutually beneficial. If you are naturally shy, make someone's day a pleasant comment while at the same time allowing yourself to step out of your shell. Find a talent that you harbour but do not use, and use it to inspire someone!

May this Lenten season set the pace for the rest of 2013 and may we come out of it with a spirit renewed.

ps. Don't be afraid to love. The Love of God will guide you.

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