Monday, February 20, 2012

As Lent begins

It was with the Journey through Lent that I believe I first started this blog, and now, on Shrove Tuesday, the first day of Lent, I am reminded first thing when I wake up (by email from a friend) that:
1. Lent has actually begun and
2. More abstractly, that, we need to re-affirm our faith.

The email stated

''...Verse: Psalm 66:6

He turned the sea into dry land. They went through the flood on foot. We rejoiced because of what He did there.

- God can turn impossibility into a possibility.
- Even though they went 'through the flood' God had made a way.
- God had turned a hopeless situation into a time of rejoicing.
- He can do the same for you and you will rejoice again!...''

Perhaps now is the time that we need to turn away from our troubles and turn to God in trust?

Shrove Tuesday is known sometimes as Pancake Day or Mardi Gras, this is celebrated by indulging in what would be avoided during the Lenten fast. But Shrove Tuesday is also the day that we confess in penance, stripping ourselves of sin as much as (humanly) possible, so that we may start the Lenten journey as pure beings.

The year is a cycle, and we experience the Shrove-tide and Lenten Journey once every year, perhaps what it is meant to be is a 'reboot' button. A chance to reconnect with our creator. Leave behind the vanity of the world and start over afresh. We live in troubled times and we tend to forget where we should focus our trust.

When worried about an exam once, a kindly Layminister told me, 'you do your best, and God will do the rest'. What an amazing analogy, turn to your Lord and he will not turn you away.

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