Thursday, February 23, 2012

''Lets take then what we need and no more, because the rest is needed by others''

So it is the second day of the Lenten fast, and how are our weak souls keeping up?

Was the day manageable without that caffeine boost? Some may not feel the pang yet until the weekend when its party time and that pink drink calls your name. Either way stay strong, the beginning is usually the hard part anyways.

But perhaps we can find some pro-activeness among the misery?
Here's a little challenge: (lets try and not do this with the pink drink ;)) That cup of coffee? Dont NOT buy it, buy it, and give it to that lady on the bench. She doesn't have to be poor, she could just be tired from a too long day at work.
Given up sweets? Keep them in your pocket and give it to that child next to you in the taxi on her mommy's lap coming home from Red Cross. Its been a long day for her at the hospital.

In this coming weeks let us learn to give to others what we do not use. Let us try and have an unselfish existence by starting with the small things. Learning how to give.

''Lets take then what we need and no more, because the rest is needed by others''

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