Monday, February 27, 2012

''God is still busy with me''

God is still busy with me
is how Bishop Raphael Hess explained to Valhalla Park's Chapalry of St. Joseph the Worker, what is signified by Ash Wednesday's Crosses made of Ash and Holy Water/Oils.
'Isn't it wonderful to know that God is still working on us?' Indeed it is. And with this in mind, as we go through a period of penance, and think on our ourselves as sinful human being, it is good, in fact necessary to remember that we are not perfect- we have not been created to be inherently perfect. We have been created in the image of God, but while we try and do the right thing, be it now or through out the year, we are a project of God, he knows that we try and he knows he has created us with a naive nature. We should not be too hard on ourselves. The longest journey in life he said, was that from our head to our heart. lets take a step in this journey each day, by finding a communion between the rationality of our thoughts and the passion of our hearts, so that our thoughts, hearts and actions are forever guided, through prayer.

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