Friday, February 24, 2012

Driving in the dark

On my way home and it's 11:05pm. We're driving in the dark. Linton quickly but not noticably caresses the crucifix hanging from the rear view mirror- his little ritual before he drives anywhere (or when he sees an animal lying in the road), and I know that wherever we go, we won't be alone. We live with God.

Only God knows what he prays at that moment, but what is important is that he prays. It doesn’t guarantee us a safe journey, but it does mean that our path is guided, and through faith whatever must be, will be.

It is Friday evening and it has the potential for evils as most Friday evenings do. Not everyone is celebrating lent, and not everyone is aware of allows themselves to be guided by god. Perhaps when we pray as we go along our way we should pray for someone else as well- A stranger, a friend, an acquaintance. We all carry personal, private burdens and we cannot always be sure that someone has it easy. When a stranger makes you angry remember that we all handle pain differently and pray that he or she will find the inner energy that they need to confront their problems. When a passer-by looks down, pray that our merciful God restores their faith, and through faith they will find the strength to battle on and not give up.

Today my friend Astrid put up a Facebook status saying:
when you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember then, someone prayed for you…

Let us pray for each other, because in this crazy world, we are all driving in the dark.

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